1. What is the Midlife Adventure Program?
Elevate your personal growth through adventure activities, sports, or travel, combining inner exploration and discovery. Adventure-based personal development enables you to delve deeper into yourself and develop inner resources to cope with life's demands. You'll get to learn about fear and how to work with it in an adventure setting, empowering you to return to daily life with greater self-awareness and strength.
What's included:
• 7-step workbook + 7 outdoor adventure-based coaching sessions
• On-going text & email support from your life coach.
2. Who is the Midlife Adventure Program for?
This is for you if:
• You're looking to step outside of your comfort zone.
• You want to reclaim a part of your life—and of yourself.
• You want to elevate yourself through adventure activities and experiential learning.
• You want to build resilience and challenge yourself.
3. What's the difference between the Midlife Adventure program and your regular coaching sessions?
While my coaching sessions help you become more self-aware of your inner workings, Peak Potential is designed to challenge yourself through personal growth, build resilience, and develop invaluable life skills through the added element of outdoor experiences—customized just for you.